Lietuvoje 1929 metais. Pirma dalis
Other title(s): Lithuania in 1929. Part One
Year: 1929
Description: The President of Lithuania Smetona in his cabinet. Wife of the President Sofija Smetonienė, daughter Marija Smetonaitė-Valušienė, her husband and son of the President Julius Smetona. The President of Lithuania Aleksandras Stulginskis with his wife and daughters in his farm in Jokūbava estate. The President of Lithuania Kazys Grinius and his grandsons. Rector of Theological Seminary of Kaunas, poet Jonas Mačiulis Maironis. Newspaper “Garnys” editor, writer Aleksandras Dambrauskas (Adomas Jakštas).The views of Kaunas: the house of poet Maironis, the building of Theological Seminary of Kaunas. Writer, the priest of the Vytautas church Juozas Tumas Vaižgantas. Professor of Kaunas University, writer Vincas Mykolaitis - Putinas. Professor of Kaunas University Kazys Pakštas with his wife talk with Vladas Juodeika and Mr. Leimonas. Founder of the Kaunas War Museum and its director general Vladas Nagius - Nagevičius near the Museum talks with soldiers – The First World War invalids. The Lithuanian flag rising in the 3rd of October in 1929 in Kaunas War Museum. Lithuanian Armed Forces parade in P.Vileišis square in Kaunas. The leader of the parade Colonel Petras Kubiliūnas. The chief Army Chaplain Vladas Mironas at the time of solemn ministration. The President of Lithuania A.Smetona gives a welcome speech. Beside him the Prime Minister of Lithuania Augustinas Valdemaras stands. The 10th years celebration of Lithuanian Aviation in July 21,1929. Airplanes' show. The President of Lithuania A.Smetona takes part in the celebration of the 10th years anniversary of the 2nd Artillery Regiment in Kėdainiai. Celebrations view from the railway embankment – soldiers marching regiments, cavalry riding, and citizens gathered monitor the military in performance. Unveiling of the monument of Lithuanian volunteer Povilas Lukšas, who died for the Independence of Lithuania. The founder of Lithuanian volunteer organization in Kėdainiai, volunteer colonel Šarauskas, his brother and other volunteers take part in the ceremony. Colonel Šarauskas gives a speech. Family of died volunteer P.Lukšys takes part in the ceremony. Chief Army Chaplain Vladas Mironas bless the monument and says sermon. The President A.Smetona gives a speech. The estate of Kėdainiai. Neringa, the place where was the village Karvaičiai, sanded by sand. Nature of Nida. Nida's Wharf. Passenger ship from Klaipėda to Memel. Landmarks in Nida on Lithuania – German border. Girl’s pupils tour in the dunes of Nida. Nida fishermen family with guests. Palanga in 1929 August 6. The Church of St. Virgin Mary Assumption in Palanga. Presidential villa in Palanga. Lithuanian movement Ateitininkai villa in Palanga. Beach, dunes in Palanga. An actor Olšauskas with his friends in Palanga. The church of Lord revelation to St.Virgin Mary in Kretinga, Bernardine Monastery, the city square, the buildings in the square. Gargždai Church, the city square and houses around the square. Veiviržėnai church and houses around it. Rietavas views, the city square, streets, church of St Michael the Archangel. Antanas Kantrimas farm in Žadvainiai village. A.Kantrimas stands with farm workers and grandson. Petras Jesas farm in Labardžiai village. Farmer's works: women uproot and comb flax, cut the wheat and etc.The Hill of Crosses in Šiauliai district. St. Peter and Paul Church in Šiauliai. Šiauliai Candy Factory Rūta. The companies owner and management stands beside the factory building. Kaunas town view from Aleksotas hill. St Michael's Crew Church in Kaunas. Hotels Lietuva and Roma in Kaunas. Press Distribution Association Board has a diner in the hotel. The hotel housekeeper Mrs. Dubinskaite in her apartment. The second chamber of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. State Theatre. Building of Dairy Center in Kaunas. The maids carry water from the Nemunas. The Town Hall of Kaunas, the Town Hall Square, the Jesuit church. Presidential building.The Palace of Ministry of Justice. The building of Lithuanian State Bank. The Ministry of Finance of Lithuania. Lithuanian Postal building. Director of the Ministry of Labour Mr. Lipčius. Kaunas railway station. On August 31, 1929 the Prime Minister of Lithuania and the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Valdemaras leave to Geneva where the 56-th session of the League of Nations will take place. Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas 500-death anniversary celebration committee members and the committee chairman Col. Vytautas Brazulevičius stand on the Vytautas Hill. The member of the Committee of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas Major Liubickas with his family. The funeral of Kotryna Mačiulevičaitė - Lipcienė. The building of company "Maistas" in Kaunas. The seminary "Saulės Namai" building in Kaunas. The elementary school "Saulė". The girl gymnasium "Aušra" building in Kaunas. The gymnasium schoolgirls with teachers. The Society of Baby Jesus girls' shelter in Kaunas, Žaliakalnis, Žemaičių street.
Keywords: Kariuomenė / Kraštovaizdis / Mokslas / Muziejai / Paminklai / Prezidentas / Religija / Šventės / Vyriausybė / Žiniasklaida / Aviacija / Military / Science / Religion / Mass media
Provider: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Rights: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type: